The purpose of the Adopt A Storm Drain program is to enlist the help of private citizens, businesses, and local organizations (e.g. Scout troops) to keep our storm drains clear and pollution free. The idea is simple.  You agree to “adopt” a storm drain near your home or business, and you volunteer periodially to check and, if necessary, clear debris away from the storm drain you have adopted.

A large part of Ramsey is covered by roads, parking lots, driveways, and other surfaces that can prevent rainwater and snow melt from being absorbed into the ground.   Storm drains that we see along the sides of our streets are there for the sole purpose of collecting that stormwater and directing it away from areas where it might cause flooding and into nearby ponds, lakes, rivers and streams.  That means that whatever goes into those storm drains ends up in those ponds, lakes, rivers and streams and, eventually, in our drinking water.

If enough of us adopt a storm drain, together  we can make a substantial impact in maintaining the beauty of our neighborhoods, reducing flooding, and preventing litter and debris from entering our waterways.

Here’s how it works:

  1. Click on the “Adopt Your Drain Now” link and fill in the information required by the form
    1. Identify the storm drains near your home or business (you’ll need the address nearest the drain)
    2.  Give your drain a name (why not have fun?)
  2. Check your drain periodically and clear it of debris when necessary (See How to Clean Your Storm Drain)
  3. Send us your photos